Gods Between Walls

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Gods Between Walls

Deity Information


Title(s): The Knockers
Pantheon: Outsiders
Power: Minor God

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: An face carved on household wall
Portfolio: Homestead
Domain(s): Life
Worshipers: home makers, city folk, the poor

© willofthe7.com


Gods Between Walls is a collective deity of Life and Homestead. They are a collective of nameless entities that watch over the households of poor and downtrodden. They are always referred to as a collective using they or them pronouns.


Gods Between walls are worshiped across Easter Arcadia, but especially in [[Fynwell. The cult is most popular in the poor districts of the city such as Dog Fenn and Flyside where you can often see household shrines lovingly carved into the walls and decorated with candles or flower wreaths.


There is no established dogma beyond minor superstitions regarding the frequency and type of offerings. It is believed that withholding offerings due to neglect may displease the Gods Between Walls and cause them to withdraw their protection. Other than sharing scraps of food from the table Gods Between Walls do not require anything from the worshipers.

Shrines and Temples

Gods Between Walls have no temples or churches. The primary places of observance are household shrines, usually carved on the kitchen wall, in the main living area or near the hearth. Shrines are decorated with candles and flowers and offerings of food on small wooden plates placed on the floor beneath the carving, or on specially constructed offering shelves.


Gods Between Walls have no priesthood. The prayers and offerings are usually performed by the head of the household, or family elder. The observances are usually tied to clan and family traditions and vary quite a bit based on location.

Religious Observances

Main observance is offering of scraps of food from the table after every meal. Members of the household and guests are usually expected to empty scraps or crumbs from their plate into small offering bowl uttering "may they protect (this household)". The offering bowls is then placed beneath the shrine.

It is also customary to keep the shrine lit with candles in the evenings or when offering prayers. Prayers usually involve asking the Gods Between walls to keep out keep rats, mice and maggots out of food caches, to prevent sickness or misfortune from befalling the family or to prevent food from spoiling in the winter.


Their presence and favor usually manifests itself as creaks, knocks and bumps in the night, hence they are sometimes referred to as The Knockers. Sometimes they also manifest as face like shapes or shadows appearing on wooden walls or furniture.

Ally and Enemy Deities

Like most Outsiders Gods Between Walls rarely interact with other deities and have no allies, rivals or enemies.