From Will of the Seven Campaign
Please use this template when posting information about dieties.
Usage Example:
Copy and paste the example below, and modify the values. Remember that each line/section must end with a pipe character "|". Some sections are optional and can be skipped.
{{god| name= | title= | pantheon= | power= | alignment= | symbol= | portfolio= | domain= | worshipers= | }}
The entry for a deity should also include following sections:
- Spread - where is this god worshiped
- Shrines and Temples - are there large temples, how do they look, how do shrines look
- Priesthood - is there organized priesthood, how does it look
- Religious Observances - describe traditions, types of offerings and prayers
- Manifestations - how the god's power manifests in physical world
Deity Information
Title(s): none known
Pantheon: New Gods
Power: Minor God
Alignment: unknown
Symbol: unknown
Portfolio: unknown
Domain(s): unknown
Worshipers: unknown
© willofthe7.com