Baku Language

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Baku is the official language of the Emirates and it is spoken mainly in South Reach. The language uses Common alphabet but has a radically different syntax and grammar.

One of the features of the language is that it is syntactically unambiguous. It's grammar and vocabulary make it difficult to create sentences that have multiple or ambiguous meanings, and instead it forces speakers to express themselves in plain, straightforward and purposeful way. Because of this it is a perfect language in which to write laws, or official documents. An order given in Baku is almost impossible to misinterpret, which is why it is also employed in Emirates armies and law enforcement.

It is unknown whether the language structure was influenced by the rigid, orderly Emirates society, or if the social norms have been influenced by the rigid, orderly language.

Most Baku speakers are also fluent in Common, and in many cases prefer the later for casual conversations because it is more flexible, and allows for word play and puns.