The Goldmane Strider

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The Goldmane Strider

Deity Information


Title(s): Lord of Luck
Pantheon: New Gods
Power: Minor God

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: Golden Mane
Portfolio: Luck, Good Fortune, Random Chance
Domain(s): Trickery
Worshipers: gamblers, chance takers



The Godlmane Strider is a god of Trickery and Good Fortune. He is depicted as a figure with golden skin, and unruly golden mane blowing in the wind leaping between tree top, mountain tops and roofs of tall towers.


The Goldmane Strider is worshiped in most of Eoran, but is most popular in Westmarch, North Arcadia and Zorandon.


The faith has no established dogma. Goldmane Strider is considered a benevolent deity who helps those in need by bringing them good luck and prosperity. It is said that one can gain his favor by giving to the needy or performing selfless acts of charity. One can easily loose his favor through selfishness and greed.

Shrines and Temples

There are no large temples erected to Goldmane Strider.

His shrines are usually just a simple wooden or stone statue, with an offering bowl. In the countryside the shrines are often placed near crossroads, usually under a large tree that provides shade. Many of such shrines have benches where travelers can rest. Sometimes instead of a statue, the god's likeness is carved directly into the tree bark, and instead of a bowl a hole is hollowed out in the tree trunk. It is also popular to put up shrines near taverns, especially those where gambling is available.

The shrines in the cities are often more elaborate, with ornate pedestals, extra large offering bowls and and large marble statues. Some shrines have built in drinking fountains so that faithful can refresh themselves or wash up. These shrines are typically built by wealthy aristocrats or merchants in public spaces frequented by lower classes. Building a lavish shrine to the Strider is an easy way for an aristocrat or a monarch to please their subject, and it is considered a charitable effort that will also please the god.


There is no organized cult devoted to the Strider, but there is a strong tradition of wandering clerics that roam the countryside seeking out people in need and perform charitable works. They usually live off offerings from the faithful, as it is considered auspicious to feed, clothe or give lodging to the servants of the Lord of Luck. In exchange they take on odd jobs, dig wells, fix sheds, help with harvest, or sometimes drive out bandits or goblins from the land. Most wandering clerics are solitary, or travel in small groups of a master and one of two novice apprentices.

Religious Observances

Charitable works and monetary offerings are primary means of worship. The Strider cares little for prayers or oaths, and judges men by their actions. The most common offering is leaving monetary offering at one of the shrines. The offering bowls are usually inscribed with "give according to ability, take according to need" and poor, and hungry are encouraged to take the offerings and use them to feed their families, pay their debts and etc..

Many of the faithful try to offset their selfish or greedy acts by leaving generous offering at the shrines. For example, gamblers will often give at the shrine after a big win, to ensure their lucky streak continues.

When a shrine is not available, an offering usually takes the form of throwing a handful of copper coins over one's shoulder onto a street or country road so that a traveler in need may find them.

Charitable works depend on one's station. The rich usually fund new shrines in public spaces, or other public amenities such as benches, parks, fountains and etc. Those who don't have much money can volunteer, distribute food or clothing to the poor and etc..


The primary manifestation of Goldmane Strider is luck, especially random, unexpected increase in wealth and prosperity. Those who gain wealth or status due to random chance attribute their success to the favor of this god. On the other hand those who fall out of favor may expect random financial downfalls or loss of their station due to completely arbitrary circumstances.

It is also believed that the Strider plucks out coins from the purses of the rich, and tosses them on the streets where they can be found by the poor. When the purse rips and spills out all your coins without you noticing, it is the Strider's way of reminding you that you haven't made an offering in a while.

Ally and Enemy Deities

The Strider is considered a close friend of The Muse as he loves cheerful songs and sounds of merriment. He has a minor rivalry with The Watcher, the god of entropy who's desire for orderly decay towards stasis, conflicts with Strider's love of random chaotic chance and arbitrary redistribution of wealth.