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** [[The Triumvirate]]
** [[The Triumvirate]]
*** [[Jack Valentine]] (aka Scarface), leader of [[Black Cloaks]] and [[Tor-Ka]]
*** [[Jack Valentine]] (aka Scarface), leader of [[Black Cloaks]] and [[Tor-Ka]]
*** [[Vigo Varner]] (aka Vain Vigo), head of the [[Verner Clan]] and leader of the [[Quillons]]
*** [[Vigo Verner]] (aka Vain Vigo), head of the [[Verner Clan]] and leader of the [[Quillons]]
*** [[Beatrice Avalon]] (aka Iron Maiden), leader of the [[Tor-Ban]]
*** [[Beatrice Avalon]] (aka Iron Maiden), leader of the [[Tor-Ban]]
** [[River Rats]]
** [[River Rats]]

Revision as of 14:56, 7 May 2018

Fynwell City State

Fynwell is a very old, large, prosperous, and influential city state located in North Arcadia.


Flag of Fynwell

Fynwell is one of the largest and most prosperous city states in the world. It is also one of the oldest modern human civilizations on the North West continent. It was funded in the year 8889 and has been steadily growing and becoming more prosperous since then. Few other nations have existed for this long, without turmoil or civil wars. Fynwell has persevered in large part thanks to it's robust democratic government. The city state is a democratic commonwealth with an elected government and it practices peaceful transfer of power.

Fynwell's endless urban sprawl has the footprint rivaling that of a small coastal nation. It is a city of contrasts: one which contains some of the most opulent, and garishly lavish districts, as well as some of the poorest, crime ridden slums. Some parts of the city are virtual paradise for rich nobles and merchants, while others look like post-apocalyptic shanty-towns.

Fynwell is the birth place of Harlan Underford

Fynwell is located a 2 weeks of sailing time away from Fairhaven.

National Symbols

The flag of Fynwell is a seven pointed star in golden field surrounded by black bars. The gold symbolizes the city's wealth, the black symbolizes it's strength and the fact it was never successfully sacked. The red star represents the Red Mesa, the political heart of the city. The seven points on the star represent the original seven voting districts which existed at the time when monarchy was toppled in the city.

The seven pointed star is a recurring motif and is used both on the city seal, as well as in various official symbols.

Population and Culture

Fynwell is a melting pot of races and cultures. According to the latest census the most prominent demographic groups are Humans (45%), Halflings (15%), Dwarfs (10%) and Elves (8%), Half Elf (5%) and Half Orc (3%) and 2% of other.

People of Fynwell have reputation of being rude, pushy and fierce. The city is sprawling, bustling metropolis where everyone is busy and no one has time for bullshit. It is equally famous of it's beautiful gardens and monuments as it is known for lawless slums. There are countless stories about visitors taking tours of the city and accidentally getting lost in the impoverished slums and being accosted by beggars and pick pockets.

It has grown organically outward from Red Mesa and has swallowed smaller, older settlements while it expanded. The architecture of the city is a mish-mash of architectural styles and traditions. Some parts of the cities have been built on top of ancient ruins that create vast underground networks that have been converted into sewage systems.


Fynwell is divided into districts, each of which has its own local government, headed by the District Governor. Districts are further divided into Wards, each responsible for supplying it's own garrison of Night Watch.

The demarcation was historically based both on geography, function (docking district, market district, industrial district) as well as on land ownership of the wealthy families that founded the city. This means that wealthy districts are orderly and well protected, while poor ones have little to no policing, and are dangerous and lawless.


Known districts of Fynwell:

See also Category:Fynwell District


Fynwell has a robust three branch government with representatives elected by popular vote. The city uses Instant Runoff Voting for most if it's elections, and most representatives have limited terms. All citizens are eligible to vote regardless of race, sex, religion or political affiliation.

Executive Branch

Executive branch consists of the Mayor of Fynwell and the Fynwell Ministries. A new Mayor is elected every ten years and may choose to appoint new Ministers or keep the sitting ones if they are agreeable.

Legislative Branch

Legislative Branch also known as Fynwell Senate is comprised of three chambers: House of Lords, House of Commons and Small Councill. All legislation must pass through the three chambers in order to be ratified as a law.

Judicial Branch

Fynwell has a complex justice system that involves criminal court trials and civil arbitration. See Fynwell Courts for more details.

Political Factions

Fynwell is a democratic state, and as most such states have many rivaling political factions that compete for influence and votes of the citizens. The factions create voting blocks in the senate, and seek to appoint their members to the executive branch positions to further their agendas. See Fynwell Political Factions for more detail.

Law Enforcement

Fynwell law enforcement consists of three major organizations.

At the local level, there is the Fynwell Night Watch. Each Ward elects their own Sherrif for a term of five years, who then deputizes watchmen to help maintain order within the neighborhood. Nightwatch is fully funded and equipped by the community. Sheriffs report to the District Governor, but are ultimately beholden to the community who funds and elects them.

At the district level there is Fynwell Cityguard that is tasked with maintaining order, quelling public unrest. Each district has an appropriately sized garrison of dedicated to it's protection that is lead by a Captain who reports to the District Governor. That said, the Ministry of Defense oversees the budgeting and deployment of their forces. At any given time bulk of the City Guard is busy patrolling the outer walls of the city, and so inner district garrisons are chronically understaffed.

Finally, there is Fulcrum, and elite task force devoted to protecting the city from unlawful use of magic and supernatural threats. Each district houses a chapter of Fulcrum which may consist of between five to ten highly specialized and trained agents.


Most criminal operations in Fynwell are overseen and regulated by the unofficial and illegal organization known as the Shadow Council. It is an regulatory body comprised from elected representatives from major crime guilds and crime organizations in the city.

There is also a number of smaller, unaffiliated gangs in the city:

Armed Forces

The Fynwell armed forces are divided into the following contingents:

Points of Interest

  • The opening of Act 1 takes place in a tavern in Dockside district.

Notable Characters

See Category: Fynwell Resident